Another Year Comes To End, and What Fruitful Year For Us At Iraq-Localize!

Another year comes into an end, and what a fruitful year it was for us here at Iraq-Localize!

We officially transitioned from an office to a company, and had (2) new employees to our personnel. We have also closed deals and contracts with (7) major companies, in addition to providing translation and linguistic services to over (300) hundred customers this year! Where we translated over (750) projects containing nearly (3500) documents.

Moving to our training section this year, we have successfully finished 3 versions of our legal translation course where we trained around 31 new legal translators, and prepared them for the job market. We have also held a simultaneous interpretation course where we trained 10 interpreters in the field of simultaneous interpretation.

We have also attended many events regarding the field of translation and gave lectures in multiple universities and conferences.

We thank you, our dear customers and students, for choosing us as your translator; and we look forward for another year with you.


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